KKM Berhenti Merokok Campaign

Kementerian Kesihatan

Project Overview

Project Challenges

Project Strategy

Project Execution

The Results

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WST 2040 - Water Sector Transformation 2040

WST 2040 - Water Sector Transformation 2040

Collaborative video production for WST2040, uniting ministries, agencies, and industry players to transform the water sector.
Project Overview

Our video production project has two main challenges. Firstly, we need to understand and capture the essence of the national water strategy, which was developed by a diverse group of stakeholders including scientists, experts, industry players, policymakers, and thinkers. Our goal is to present this strategy in a way that is easy for a broad audience to understand, from the general public to policymakers. This means we have to explain complex ideas in simple terms and use visuals that clearly convey the main messages.

Secondly, we have to navigate a large network of stakeholders, including more than 10 agencies, 1 ministry, and various experts. We have to take into account the opinions and input from all of these stakeholders within a short 3-month production period. This involves managing different perspectives, incorporating feedback, and making sure the final video reflects the shared vision of all the stakeholders involved.

Despite these challenges, we are committed to creating a video that captures the important aspects of the national water strategy and resonates with a wide audience. We will carefully plan, communicate effectively, and work hard to overcome these obstacles and deliver a video that truly represents the transformative vision of our stakeholders.

Project Challenges

Our project strategy to overcome these challenges involves several key approaches:

  1. We will deeply understand and simplify the national water blueprint, making it easier for everyone to grasp its concepts and goals. By breaking down complex ideas into clear and straightforward language, we can ensure that the strategy is accessible to a wide range of individuals.
  2. We will actively engage and collaborate with all stakeholders involved. By actively involving them in the process, we can gather their valuable insights and ideas, creating a more inclusive and well-rounded video.
  3. To ensure efficiency, we have established a structured production timeline. This timeline allows us to carefully plan and execute each step of the content creation and review process, avoiding unnecessary delays and ensuring smooth progress.
  4. We will incorporate iterative feedback and review cycles to incorporate stakeholder input. By seeking input and feedback at different stages of production, we can make necessary adjustments and improvements, ensuring that the final video meets the expectations and requirements of all stakeholders.
  5. Rigorous quality assurance and accuracy checks are an essential part of our approach. We will thoroughly examine the video to maintain the highest standards of quality and accuracy, ensuring that the content is reliable and trustworthy.
Project Strategy

Our team of 15 mobilised to several locations in 6 days of shooting each with their own roles:

  • Executive Producer 1  
  • Executive Producer 2
  • Producer
  • Director
  • Director of Photography (DOP)
  • Assist DOP
  • Gaffer
  • Bestboy
  • Grip
  • Wardrobe
  • Make-up Artist
  • Production Manager
  • Editor
  • Animator
  • AD (Props)
Project Execution
The Results

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Persiaran Multimedia,
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Selangor, MALAYSIA.
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